Saturday, September 12, 2009

New work!!

I was asked to do a show about day of the dead, one of my favorite themes.

I planned to do a couple new pieces because I only have 2 of the old ones left and I've been pulling them out any chance I got. It was time for new work.

I've had a list of ideas that I wanted to do 'someday', quirky little play-on-words or twists of old favorites like "Whistler's Great-Great-Great Grandmother" (a skeleton sitting in a chair just like the painting) and "Me and my Shadow", a remake of one I'd done as a gift--a skeleton walking a skeleton dog.

Here are my completed pieces:

1. "Don't Even Ask" for Mr. Bones restaurant in Holmes Beach, FL

2."Nude Reclining"

3. Trout Fishing

4. Demon Drop

I have one more I hope to finish....

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